La Vie En Rose

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Countdown to Takeoff

O gracious me. It's exactly 2 weeks before I leave my lovely homestead to begin my journey to France. I know, from experience, that 2 weeks is practically no time at all, yet the trip still seems so far away! I'm still taking care of all those silly little things I have to do, but it's a relief to have most of the big things (i.e. visa) out of the way.

I feel a little awkward writing this for everyone to read. I've always kept a journal, but that was for my own private feelings, to record my silly little day-to-day dramas. I suddenly feel as if I were reporting something from the front lines of my life!, as if what I do, say, and think is of tremendous import. I do feel grateful to have an audience, even if it is only a few loved ones. My greatest fear is that when I arrive in France I will suddenly find myself completely alone. Total isolation--linguistic, intellectual, and emotional--terrifies me, so any acknowledgement or support would be o so appreciated.

For now, though, I am still safe and loved in Colorado. Those of you who are able, I hope you will come visit me. Not for a "goodbye," but for a "see you later" Much, much later.


  • At 7:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    You will be very missed... and yes, I will be a loser and read your blog!

    Much love, kisses and I'll miss you!

  • At 1:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Stephy darling!

    when do you take off? Miss you like chocolate cake.

    love Anna


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